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Enjoy simple things in life, very outgoing, and easy to talk to. I like to read sometimes if its something that sparks my interest.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog #15 - Reflections

1) What was the one assignment that was fun to do and why?

- I think it's a tie between "Worst Date" and "Class Debate". Worst date I got to share an experience that was based on my personal life as well as others. Also, the class debate involved students going at it with a specific topic which was pretty fun.

2) What was the one assignment that made you learn something about something? What was that "something" you learned?

- In the assignment about double binds and double standards from Bordo. I learned that in defining men masculinity, men are referred to either beastly or gentlemen like or even both. It was very interesting to learn about it.

3) What was the one assignment that you did not care for? why?

- There wasn't really an assignment that I did not care for. I enjoyed all aspects of the class including the blog. I feel it was a great way for classmates to interact with one another and made the class more interesting.

4) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?

- Yes, Blogger was a useful tool as noted in the answer to question number 3.

5.) Describe one kind of assignment or task that we did NOT do that you either did on your own (say, customizing your blog, adding gadgets), OR an assignment you would have liked to have done, or a TYPE of assignment you would have liked to have done more of?

-Actually, I customized my blog to my liking which included adding gadgets, change backgrounds, design layouts. I was going to suggest a comedy movie at the beginning of class due to the class topic of men masculinity but it was already scheduled to happen which was nice. Maybe a class outing would of been nice? But to where I don't know, it's always fun though. Overall Class was great.

1 comment:

  1. Actually I was thinking of scheduling a trip to a museum- MET or The Natural History Museum- but I couldn't figure out a way to tie it into the class assignments and there weren't any exhibits directly related to masculinity. Another option I was considering was having the class go see a play, but that would only work if we were reading the play in class. Thanks for the feedback.
