Friday, November 19, 2010

Quick Write

The paradox of men fathering young babies.

This is very contradictory. Men are known to be people who work during the day, bring income to the home, and support the family needs including food, clothes, and healthcare. To have men do the opposite and provide nursing for young babies when they are born states a proposition that contradicts itself, but it is possible. The photo relates to this as to men carrying babies in the womb but contradicts itself because men do not have wombs. In the article is states, "Fathering referes more directly to what men do with and for children" (Coltrane 433).


  1. Yes the photo itself is contradictory and that stereotype of men traditionally bringing the income and food to the table is too. The intext citation is good name and page # included but just need a few more sentences to develop more your idea, to enhance it.

  2. The facts have already been stated as you put it that fathering is what men do with and for children. though you have made clear about how contradictory it is for men to have babies in thier womb, i am thinking that the picture is throwing a light on how deep men will go in getting close to children if for them.
