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Enjoy simple things in life, very outgoing, and easy to talk to. I like to read sometimes if its something that sparks my interest.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Preliminary Thesis: The ad promotes that men should buy/wear this fragrance if wanting to appeal to women as shown in the picture.

I. 1st Supporting Point - The ad shows masculinity with the physical appearances and how the fragrance adds to it.
Example - This shows attraction.
1. Further Detail - The man is wearing a blazer with a white collar shirt, no tie and opened.
2. Further Detail - The man is clean cut with light facial hair.
B. Analysis - The fragrance adds to his attraction and his physical appearance backs him up on it. The blazer with the white collared shirt shows he is a man with class and he knows what hes doing. The clean cut with facial hair shows his hygiene. It makes him look more older but young at the same time. Men who are fully bearded are generally perceived to be more masculine in appearance. The fact that he had some, suggested the masculinity but since it was not full, the man still had a sense of youth and makes him attractive to the woman which is a plus because it further enhances his masculinity.

II. 2nd Supporting Point - The ad shows masculinity because of the way the woman is reacting toward the man.
Example - The woman shows like shes having some sort of sexual dream.
1. Further Detail - Her eyes are closed.
2. Further Detail - Her lips are puckered.
Analysis - The ad suggests that women play a role in determining what is attractive as it pertains to masculinity. It shows the woman as she reacts to the man's attraction factors, which include looks and smell. This further enhances the message of the ad while maintaining the idea of masculinity.

III. 3rd Supporting Point - The ad shows masculinity because theres a man holding the woman in it.
Example: His hold on the woman shows dominance.
1. Further Detail - He has a facial expression of an intense stare upon the woman.
2. Further Detail - They are standing against the wall and the man is leaning in towards her.
Analysis - He looks like hes in control and the lean further shows his dominance as she is supported. This displays his masculinity while enhancing his dominance. The stare indicates his further hold on the woman. It also enhances the fact that he is in control.

MASCULINITIES: Quick Write in response to Bordo's chapter

MASCULINITIES: Quick Write in response to Bordo's chapter: "Quick Write: Choose one of the three quotes from Susan Bordo’s “beauty (re)discovers the make body,” interpret it and show how it applies to..."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Masculinity: The Aspect of Men

According to an unabashed imitation of an article by Peggy Mcintosh, "The male privilege checklist." This checklist shows what "men" are suppose to be according to biological natural selection. Being able to just be a man and do certain things that females cannot. I chose one point out of the checklist which brought to my attention.

"#39, If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, and it turns out that one of us needs to make career sacrifices to raise the kids, chances are we'll both assume the career sacrificed should be hers."

My opinion to this:

I disagree with this point, speaking from a man's perspective, of woman having to sacrifice their job to stay home to raise their children. Yes, at first woman would need to nuture their baby when born as in breast-feeding to provide nbutrients and anti-bodies to help fight out infection. But after the phase of 6 months, when the baby get it's vaccines, there's still no reason why woman should sacrifice their career to take care of a baby. Even during the time of the 6 months. Woman can still nuture their baby, prepare breast-milk and have the husband feed the baby. I feel that the decision should be looked at which one of them has the most salary, and length history on the job. The couple should look at what would be best for their child. So it brings back to the point. I would have to say, that I disagree. Men can also sacrifice their job to stay home and take care of children. It's really based on the situation and how well the couple communicates with each other.