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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Research Paper Outline 1

Preliminary Thesis: The Manliness Aspect of Masculinity

1st Supporting point –

THINGS A MAN SHOULD OWN. Esquire, 01949535, May2009, Vol. 151, Issue 5

Topic – Things a man should own represent knowledge and skill.

Example – An example is U.S. Road atlas which represents knowledge. Another example is a cordless drill which represents skill.

Further details – “A man using a GPS is half a man.” The fact of having a map and a cordless drill shows us how men could utilize certain items for either getting somewhere or fixing something up within the home.

Analysis – According to the manliness aspect of masculinity, men are supposed to be the ones leading the family, someone in control. Having a map shows he’s responsible and he knows what he’s doing. With a cordless drill, it shows the manliness masculinity because of being a handy man at home. When something breaks, it’s usually the man who takes initiative to find a fix for the problem.

2nd Supporting point –

WHAT IS A MAN? By: Chiarella, Tom, Esquire, 01949535, May2009, Vol. 151, Issue 5

Topic – The evolution of man and how far he’s come to be defined as he is now.

Example – A man could look up at the sun and tell you what time it is. A man could also tell which way is north. He could also tell you where the fish run.

Further details – Back in the day, there were no clocks. Developments such as telling the time of day was a man’s way to be in control of knowing his surroundings. Looking up at the sun, along with knowing which way is north and where the fish run made man one with the environment, thus adding to the control.

Analysis – To truly look at manliness of masculinity, you have to see where man originated from. The foundation of manliness can be based on the ideals that stem from the orginal man. Through the centuries, these ideas have been added or altered to the perspective of man.

3rd Supporting Point –

Better Body, Better Man... By: Pesmen, Curtis, Esquire, 01949535, June2009, Vol. 151, Issue 5

Topic – Men who work out gives a sense of manliness out of them.

Example – Working out the body’s anchor makes the body more strong and flexible. You can throw harder, hit harder in swing sports, and perform better within sports and any other activities which involve endurance.

Further details – Women are attracted to men in such a way they look for physical features before knowing the person. It’s important for men who want to attract women, to work out and find those certain things which create the manliness look to attract women.

Analysis – This promotes manliness masculinity because according to the stereotypical look of the man having big muscles, shows that he is strong and he could handle his own and as well as handle his woman.

4th Supporting point –

A Man's Guide To Women. Esquire, 01949535, May2009, Vol. 153, Issue 5

Topic – Men’s guide to women and how to understand them.

Example – Men need to learn how to understand women. Things that are needed to know is how to make them feel more comfortable around you, buy them gifts, and occasional dancing.

Further details – According to the article, women are attracted to things that men need to learn in order for the relationship to work. Knowing these key points puts a name above your head that screams “this is the man I want!”

Analysis – This promotes manliness masculinity because men have to act a certain way or do certain things for women to like. If you could show them what they think men act then why not ask what they like. Men showing they can be responsible and have the opportunity to please will make the women go wild!

5th Supporting point –

Negotiating the Field of Masculinity : The Production and Reproduction of Multiple Dominant Masculinities

Topic – The theory of hegemonic masculinity.

Example – Some examples shows “dominant masculinity are men who are slender, fit, young, aggressive, businessman dressed.”

Further details – “The theory of hegemonic masculinity tends to be used to describe male power at a structural level with no real understanding of how power is organized in terms of complicity…”

Analysis – Men that possess positions of power and wealth are described as pertaining to masculinity hegemonic. This compares to the same masculinity manliness. Men who are dominant as well are looked upon being manly.

6th Supporting point -

Is There More to “Antischoolishness” than Masculinity? On Multiple Student Styles, Gender, and Educational Self-Exclusion in Secondary School

Topic – A multiple set of student styles is presented, including the macho boy; Students have shared what performances, preferences, and other signifiers fit well together within one style and being able to display through practice the knowledge of these rules is essential to being rendered a socially competent and intelligible junior high school student.

Example – "Macho" students are perceived to run the show and define what is cool and uncool. Loud and rough, they make themselves the center of attention.

Further details – They all specialized in similar self-presentations, such as displaying traditionally “macho” conduct and language, signaling active distancing and rejection of schoolwork and teachers, and expressing parallel opinions of co-students.

Analysis - The manliness masculinity begins to form as early as young men in school. Macho mannerisms are displayed in order to conform within the school social setting. Ultimately, these developments will carry out with them past their pubescence and into their manhood.

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